Funding Opportunities
Our school is proud to boast a highly experienced team of consultants who specialise in developing and managing applications for public funding projects. Our staff includes professionals with backgrounds in education consulting, teaching, and grant writing and they bring unparalleled expertise to the table. Our consultants have extensive experience in formulating public funding proposals and understand the complex requirements that every funding program has.
Erasmus+ is an EU-based education funding program and is a great opportunity for students and teachers to gain experience abroad. This program encourages cross-cultural collaboration, cooperation and understanding – essential values in today’s world. This short-term and long-term group mobility funding program provides an incredible opportunity for your students and teachers to obtain a truly international and enriching experience. Making use of this funding would be a great way to enrich your students with a valuable global learning experience they will always remember!
Find out how we can support you in your Erasmus+ projects!
The Turing Scheme is the UK government’s global programme to study and work abroad. The scheme provides funding for international opportunities in education and training across the world. Supporting the UK’s Global Britain objectives, the Turing Scheme unlocks access for UK organisations to offer life-changing experiences across the world for their teachers, students, learners and pupils.
Funding is open to the UK and British Overseas Territories organisations from across the education and training sector. From higher education to further education, vocational education and training, and school projects. Eligible organisations can apply for funding through the Turing Scheme for projects that offer the opportunity to study or gain work experience abroad.
This funding allows organisations to provide teachers, students, learners and pupils with the chance to develop new skills, gain vital international experience and boost their employability. They can also develop a wide range of soft skills, language skills and a better understanding of other cultures.
Find out how we can support you in your Turing Scheme projects!
OPJAK je tematicky zaměřený operační program v gesci Ministerstva školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR, ze kterého můžete čerpat prostředky ze strukturálních a investičních fondů Evropské unie v programovém období 2021-2027.
OPJAK si klade za cíl podporovat rozvoj otevřené a vzdělané společnosti za poomoci znalostí a dovedností, rovných příležitostí a rozvoje potenciálu každého jednotlivce, což povede k růstu konkurenceschopnosti České republiky.
Naše škola nabízí kurzy speciálně navržené tak, aby vyhovovaly požadavkům tohoto programu financování, aby byla zajištěna hladká a snadná příprava, administrace a provádění vzdělávacích aktivit.
Zjistěte, jak Vás můžeme podpořit ve vašich projektech OPJAK!
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